ref. http://for-the-love-of-illustration.blogspot.kr/2011/12/holiday-illustrations-part-1.html
Introducing KIM ROSEN - "Hugs"

ref. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottingley_Fairies
Introducing CLAUDE ARTHUR SHEPPERSON - "Illustrations of Fairies" from Princess Mary's Gift Book
This is a HOLIDAY bomb.
If I push the red button,
it will terminate all of HOLIDAYs in this Planet.
Nevertheless, if I still need a HOLIDAY,
it means I am ______________________?
This is an open-ended question.
If you're curious about my answer, please visit the webpage below.
What is your answer?
Whoever you are and
Whatever your answer would be,
I am sure you need a HOLIDAY as desperately as I do.
Hugging, dancing and enjoying HOLIDAYs as a festival
become a luxury package I can't buy.
What I want to do is:
under blue sky
beside blue ocean
in the centre of blue land
to have blue foods on blue dishes and
to drink blue Soju (a distilled beverage native to Korea)
presented by a huge table covered with blue velvet
by myself fully dyed blue
making stronger blue force
to combat the red button

ref. http://oivindhovland.blogspot.kr/2012/07/some-bt-illustrations-before-summer.html
Introducing OIVIND HOVLAND - "Some BT Illustrations before the Summer Holiday"

ref. http://www.superpunch.net/2011/12/illustration-roundup_13.html
ref. http://mscorley.blogspot.kr/2011/12/christmas-card-2011.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheArtOfMSCorley+(The+Art+of+M.+S.+Corley)
Introducing M. S. CORLEY - "Christmas Card 2011" (Santa/Krampus Card)
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