Introducing MIKE JONES - Illustration for the article "Any Scientific Evidence for Drugs Positively Influencing Creativity?"
My Comment: Strangely enough, the illustration makes me feel something optimistic. The stars approaching our Planet look very familiar. So, I thought, "We are not lonely any more!" The curved light reveals the secret of the stars - they must be hugely heavy despite their relatively small figures. Consequently, they must exert irresistible gravity like black holes. O.K.! All of conditions for creating a fantasy were satisfied ! Let's dream !
This is a PAIN bomb.
If I push the red button TWICE,
it will revive all of PAINs on this Planet.
Nevertheless, if I could dream a fantasy,
it means I could be ______________________?
This is an open-ended question.
If you're curious about my answer, please visit the webpage below.
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