ref. http://web.uvic.ca/vv/student/chinatown/opium/p1.htm
"The Indo-Chinese Opium Trade: Notes at an Opium Factory at Patna."
These illustrations are remarkable in the depiction of the magnitude of the opium industry.
One the left is "The Drying Room"; on the right is "The Stacking Room."
Source: drawings by Lieut.-Colonel Walter S. Sherwill, The Graphic, 24 June 1882, p. 640.
This is a PAIN bomb.
If I push the red button,
it will terminate all of PAINs in this Planet,
and get rid of my PAINs, too.
In addition, it will give great pleasure to all of humans on Earth.
Nevertheless, if I would be exposed to much more severe PAINs in the end,
It means I could be _____________________________________________?
If you're interested to see my answer, please visit the webpage below.
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