ref. http://nymag.com/news/intelligencer/55356/
ref. http://sakiroo.com/xe/45168
ref. http://foxnathan.com/
Introducing NATHAN FOX - Illustration for the article "Encounter"
My Comment: Nathan Fox has an incredible capability to attract our eyes. See the feet casually bursting out of the car! He doesn't care about business ethics which teaches you to regard the birth as a sacred event. He thrusts a knife into our ethical stereotype mentality.
This is a FIRE bomb.
If I push the red button,
it will terminate all of FIREs on this Planet.
All of FIREmen will be left jobless, and
eventually, the job of fire-fighter will disappear on Earth.
Nevertheless, if I would be still calling firemen to save me,
It means I am __________________________________________?
This is an open-ended question.
If you're curious about my answer, please visit the webpage below.
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