Listed below are selected from the first 100 RED BUTTON COMICS series.
10. GENOME BOMB (Series No. 6)
(ref. Series No. 6 illustrates the basic presentation format of RED BUTTON●COMICS and the first rule of RED BUTTON. If you push the RED BUTTON, the bomb will blow up and terminate (or exterminate) all of 'something' that is identified as the target of the bomb. The second rule is simply the opposite of the first one. If you push the RED BUTTON TWICE, the bomb will revive all of 'something.')
This is a GENOME bomb.
If I push the red button, it will exterminate
All of creatures that do not have the best set of genes.
Nevertheless, if I survive the event, then,
It means I could be a SUPERman?
9. CAR BOMB-2 (Series No. 67)
(ref. Under the condition that you know the first rule of RED BUTTON, the cartoon effectively illustrates the first rule by presenting a made-up situation.)
It's a CAR bomb !
Let me push the RED BUTTON !
I want to live !
8. WHAT IS RED BUTTON ? (Series No.85)
(ref. Series No. 85 displays the characteristics and key elements of RED BUTTON●COMICS. If asked to define RED BUTTON●COMICS with only a few words, I would call it 'METAPHYSICS COMICS.' As such, the basic standpoint of RED BUTTON●COMICS is philosophical, and, from a philosophical standpoint, the COMICS deal with almost everything with emphases on art and culture.)
Don’t push the Red Button !
Red Button is everything you are not allowed to do.
Red Button is everything you ardently want to do.
Red Button is an open-ended question.
Red Button is intuition.
Red Button is a game.
Red Button is a joke, wit, humor, irony and satire.
Red Button is contemporary metaphysics.
Red Button is all about perceptual senses.
Red Button is an artist, poet, content creator and philosopher.
Red Button is the civilization terminator.
Red Button is co-competition for creativity.
Red Button is original complexity
Red Button is collaboration between us to exit from Ant Utopia.
7. SOUL BOMB (Series No. 90)
(ref. Instead of the basic presentation format where an answer is suggested, the cartoon below takes the form of an open-ended question. The suggested answer is only a non-exclusive example, and RED BUTTON●COMICS encourage all the readers to suggest other answers, thereby promoting participation of readers in making RED BUTTON●COMICS.)

This is a SOUL bomb.
If I push the red button,
It will exterminate all of SOULs on the Planet
and the Earth will be a SOULless star.
Then, what would happen?
There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul
than the way in which it treats its children.
- Nelson Mandela -
A soulless star is the one without children.
- MooWoo Sunborg -
(Thank you, Mr. President Mandela for your lesson !)
The struggle is my life !
- Nelson Mandela -
I see.
Let me struggle to save children !
BTW, would you please let me know how to save children?
- MooWoo Sunborg -
The struggle is my life !
- Nelson Mandela -
I see.
Let me struggle only !
- MooWoo Sunborg -
(ref. The cartoon below takes much freer style, and, thereby, reveals the blind spot in the logic (the science of thinking about the reason for something).)
The left side is an EVERYTHING bomb, and
The right side is a NOTHING bomb.
If I push both buttons at the exactly same time,
what would happen?
With two bombs offsetting each other,
would NOTHING happen?
But, just a moment !
I have already assumed
pushing the red button for NOTHING bomb !
Therefore, by definition, NOTHING could not happen !
Something should happen !
5. NOTHING BOMB-1 (Series No. 68)
(ref. The cartoon below takes the simplest form of illustration.)
4. SHE WAS RED BUTTON ! (Series No. 87)
(ref. A parody of the visual art masterpiece 'The Lunch on Grass' by Manet, the cartoon takes the genre of poetry as an eloquent tool for narration. The cartoon illustrates that RED BUTTON●COMICS can merge with poetry very easily.)
O !
You !
Naked !
Your nude created the highest value
In the history of humans !
O !
Bartered beauty only for a lunch !
Your sacrifice let - wide open -
Candid Passion,
Courage for Violation,
Imagination for Revolution !
O !
Let me call you Contemporary Goddess !
Listen to my prayer to revive you !
Who's afraid of you?
Who would blame me
For your revival?
3. TELEPHONE BOMB-2 (Series No. 92)
(ref. RED BUTTON●COMICS can be a multi-faceted content, as shown below. An image of telephone booth with books inside can be an emblem of the impending demise of public telephone - an outdated medium. The motif of the content came from a true story. The content was written as a satirical poem. As such, the content demonstrates flexibility and adaptability of RED BUTTON●COMICS.)
Where is - telephone?
Where is - public telephone?
Where is - public telephone booth?
Where is - the woman calling inside public telephone booth?
Where is - the man staring at the woman calling inside public telephone booth?
Where is - the blazing sun looking down on the man staring at the woman calling inside public telephone booth?
Where is - the clear blue sky embracing the blazing sun looking down on the man staring at the woman calling inside public telephone booth?
Where is - the burning summer accompanying the clear blue sky embracing the blazing sun looking down on the man staring at the woman calling inside public telephone booth?
Where is - "May I use the phone a minute?"
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - "You're calling inside there over half an hour!"
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - "I have to make a call right now!"
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - "Please stop calling!"
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - "Put the phone down!"
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - "Hang up!"
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - "Put the phone down! Hang up! It's my turn! You're calling over an hour! I have to call right now!"
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - the knife springing from the man's pocket?
Where is - "It's my last warning! You had better stop calling now."
Where is - the stunned eyes of the woman looking at the man and the knife in his left hand?
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - the face of the woman cracking into a smile?
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - the man's twisted face cracking into a smile?
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - face vs face?
Where is - smile vs smile?
Where is - blazing eyes vs blazing eyes?
Where is - the endless bla, bla, bla?
Where is - the bomb blowing up somewhere inside the man?
Where is - the cracking scream of the booth door?
Where is - the dance of the knife
Where is - the endless blood, blood, blood?
Where is - the police surrounding the man?
Where is - the endless blood, blood, blood?
Where is - the empty eyes of the man standing still under the clear blue sky with the blazing sun?
Where is - the endless blood, blood, blood?
Where is - the longest burning summer?
Where is - the deadly game of the summer?
Where is - the deadliest legend of the summer, which killed telephone civilization by a single stroke?
2. TOILET BOMB-3 (Series No. 100)
(ref. The illustration below displays a complex network, which was not the initial intention of the drawing. Please see the MEMO for the illustration. There are some lessons which were obtained unintentionally in the course of drawing the image.)
1. DILEMMA BOMB (Series No. 83)
(ref. This episode directly addresses 'Prisoners' Dilemma' - the basic case of game theory, and, by applying game theory to one of the most critical events in human history, presents a new perspective to analyze the dilemma which was inherently involved in the Last Supper of Jesus and 12 Apostles.)
THE LAST SUPPER served by MooWoo Sunborg
It's time for the last decision.
This is a DILEMMA bomb.
If all of us push 13 red buttons together at the same time,
the world will be a paradise without any DILEMMA,
and all of us will be Gods.
But, if anyone doesn't push the red button,
all of us except the betrayer will go to hell.
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