ref. http://bravethewoods.com/the-picture-garden-illustrations-by-angela-keoghan/

ref. http://www.studiogblog.com/shop-for-garden-products/furniture-garden/can-this-be-a-garden-roaring-twenties/
Introducing GRACE TABOR
Illustration for “Garden-Making and Some of the Garden’s Stories” by Grace Tabor. - See more at: http://www.studiogblog.com/shop-for-garden-products/furniture-garden/can-this-be-a-garden-roaring-twenties/#sthash.ONPT3vPQ.dpuf

ref. http://cherishrusstybrazil.blogspot.kr/2010_10_01_archive.html
Introducing RUSSTY BRAZIL - "Grow Garden Illustration"
This is a GARDEN bomb.
If I push the red button,
it will terminate all of GARDENs in this Planet.
Nevertheless, if I would be still making a GARDEN grow,
it means I am ___________________________?
This is an open-ended question.
If you're interested to see my answer, please visit the webpage below.
The civilization we are living in is a GARDEN BOMB. We have already pushed the red button. The civilization literally terminated all of GARDENs in this planet. How can we push the red button once again (i.e. TWICE) in order to revive all of GARDENs? I found many red buttons for revival of GARDENs, some of which are displayed below.

ref. http://www.zoosociety.org/MultiMedia/Stories/GreenZoo/RainGardens.php
Introducing PHILIP HUNG - "A rain garden with native plants is situated a little lower than permeable pavers (right)." (Illustration provided by Philip Hung)

Introducing ALISON MOFFETT - "The Urban Physic Garden Vision"
Unique, but true red buttons for GARDEN revival would be the artists who encourage us to re-think the meaning of GARDENs. Sylvia Lee Goh is one of them. In her GARDEN, we encounter the darkness which our civilization has terminated together with all of GARDENs. As the good Earth grows forgotten seeds underground, the darkness has hidden and kept alive the perceptual senses we lost. Her GARDEN is a passage between this world and the next. It is not a no-return border for the poor emigrants. There is no high barrier blocking the round-trip passage. Her GARDEN is a space for transition between the old world and new one. In her GARDEN, we see impending demise and transformation of ourselves and embrace the destiny with grace and dignity.

ref. http://www.neosentuhan.com.my/sylvia/html/sylgal02.htm
Introducing SYLVIA LEE GOH - "Secret Garden Series II - Touching Is Learning"

ref. http://www.neosentuhan.com.my/sylvia/html/sylgal04.htm
Introducing SYLVIA LEE GOH - "The Light at the End"
nice post