I drew the picture above long ago.
Today, reviewing the old posts,
I happened to see this drawing once again.
At the very moment,
I realized -
The sun is a red button !
Somebody or something pushed the red button,
billions of years ago.
So, the solar system was born, and
our planet was also born.
That's the story !
If I extend my theory further,
Big Bang was a happening of pushing a red button
by somebody or something.
(Somebody or something is not a God, in my opinion.)
Therefore, I dare say
the history of universe is a history of red button !
April 19, 2014
MooNaa Kay
위의 그림은 내가 오래 전에 그린 것이었다.
오늘, Red Button Comics에 올린 포스트들을 다시 읽어보던 중
나는 우연히 이 그림을 다시 보게 되었다.
그 순간 나는 깨달았다 -
태양은 레드버튼이었다 !
누군가 또는 어떤 존재가 수십억년 전에
레드 버튼을 눌렀던 것이다.
그래서 태양계가 생겨났고
우리의 행성도 태어났던 것이다.
그것이 내가 하려는 이야기다 !
만일 나의 이론을 확대한다면,
빅뱅은 누군가 또는 어떤 존재가
레드 버튼을 누른 사건이라고 할 수 있다.
(나로서는 누군가 또는 어떤 존재가 신이라고 말할 생각은 없다.)
그러므로 나는 감히 말하련다 -
우주의 역사는 레드 버튼의 역사라고 !
Players start with an equal numbers of chips; the goal is to complete among the high chip-holders. Another event format, Elimination Blackjack, drops the lowest-stacked player from the desk at pre-determined points within the event. Good technique for blackjack tournaments can differ from non-tournament technique due to the added dimension of selecting the amount to be wagered. As in poker tournaments, gamers pay the casino an initial entry payment to take part in a event, and re-buys are typically permitted. The object of the sport is to win money by creating card totals 점보카지노 higher than these of the dealer's hand but not exceeding 21, or by stopping at a total within the hope that dealer will bust. On their flip, gamers choose to "hit" , "stand" , "double" , "cut up" , or "give up" (give up a half-bet and retire from the game).